Uplink Message Push


The callback address provided by the customer, through which the upstream message data is pushed back to the customer

After we configure the https push address, the uplink message will be automatically pushed to this address. (Retweet mechanism:After the first push fails, retweets will be made after intervals of 1 minute, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes until the push is succes
Push Parameters
Parameters Description Type
appId Application id String
channelType Channel type: 0-WhatsApp, send 0 by default Integer
messageId Message id (uplink message) String
timestamp The time when the message was pushed, timestamp (second level) Long
eventType Event type: up-message-event (uplink message event) String
businessPhone Business number String
from   Object
phone User number String
name User name String
message Message object Object
type Supported message types: text(text), image(picture), video (video), audio(audio), document (document), location(location), sticker (sticker emoticon), unknown (unknown), unsupported (not supported) String
text When type=text, the text object Object
body Text content String
image When type=image, the image object Object
filePath Media filePath String
mimeType Image type String
id Media id String
sha256 SHA256 hash String
caption Description String
video When type=video, the video object Object
filePath Media filePath String
mimeType Video type String
id Media id String
sha256 SHA256 hash String
caption Description String
filename Media filename String
audio When type=audio, the audio object Object
filePath Media filePath String
mimeType Audio type String
id Media id String
sha256 SHA256 hash String
document When type=document, the document object Object
filename File name String
filePath Media filePath String
mimeType Document format type String
id Media id String
sha256 SHA256 hash String
caption Description String
location When type=location, the location object Object
longitude longitude String
latitude Dimension String
sticker When type=sticker, sticker emoticon object Object
filePath Media filePath String
mimeType Sticker emoticon type: image, webp String
animated true - animation, false - other Boolean
id Media id String
sha256 SHA256 hash String
unknown   Object
code Error code String
details Error details Object
title Title String
message Error message String
unsupported   Object
code Error code String
details Error details Object
title Title String
message Error message String
interactive Interactive Object
action Action Object
buttons Buttons Array
reply Button reply String
id Button id String
title Button title. It cannot be an empty string and must be unique within the message(tested). 20 characters. String
type reply String
text Body content String
text Footer content String
text Content String
type interactive String
type button String
contacts Contacts Array
addresses Addresses Array
city City name String
country Full country name String
country_code Country code String
state State String
street Street name String
type   String
zip   String
birthday Birthday String
emails   Array
email Email address String
type Type: HOME (home), WORK (work) String
name   Array
first_name First name String
formatted_name Full name String
last_name Last name String
middle_name Middle name String
prefix Prefix String
suffix Suffix String
org   Object
company Company name String
department Department name String
title Title String
phones   Array
phone Phone String
department Type: HOME (home), WORK (work) String
urls   Array
type url String
url Type: HOME (home), WORK (work) String
context Context object Object
from Business number String
id Business downward message id String
forwarded Has it been forwarded? Boolean
frequently_forwarded Has it been forwarded more than 5 times? Boolean
referred_product Referencing product object Object
catalog_id Unique identifier of the Meta directory linked to WhatsApp Business account String
product_retailer_id Product unique identifier String
Example of pushing text messages:
    "appId": "TaPGlXbZ",
    "businessPhone": "6395110022481",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "Amanda Wan",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "text": {
            "body": "prime time"
        "type": "text"
    "messageId": "f4c567b283bb4c039bc600622864b961",
    "timestamp": 1693396796
Example of pushing image messages:
    "appId": "TaPGlXbZ",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "image": {
            "id": "1517236555680319",
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "filePath": "filePath",
            "sha256": "OXVukVvsiD3tB+R5UXRqqMsLkocfLB1tLQyaqSsjwIE=",
            "caption": "Description"
        "type": "image"
    "messageId": "0ed131197c6c490dbae8f682687a8bc8",
    "timestamp": 1693397226
Example of pushing audio messages:
    "appId": "appId",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "audio": {
            "id": "id",
            "mimeType": "mimeType",
            "filePath": "filePath",
            "sha256": "sha256"
        "type": "audio"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing video messages:
    "appId": "appId",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "video": {
            "id": "id",
            "mimeType": "mimeType",
            "filePath": "filePath",
            "sha256": "sha256",
            "caption": "Description",
            "filename": "filename"
        "type": "video"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing document messages:
    "appId": "appId",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "document": {
            "id": "id",
            "filePath": "filePath",
            "filename": "filename",
            "mimeType": "mimeType",
            "sha256": "sha256",
            "caption": "Description"
        "type": "document"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing sticker messages:
    "appId": "TaPGlXbZ",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "sticker": {
            "id": "id",
            "filePath": "filePath",
            "mimeType": "mimeType",
            "animated": true,
            "sha256": "sha256"
        "type": "sticker"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing location messages:
    "appId": "TaPGlXbZ",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "Amanda Wan",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "location": {
            "address": "5th Floor, Bantian Commercial Plaza, No. 999 Jihua Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518129",
            "latitude": "22.636734008789",
            "longitude": "114.05695343018",
            "name": "Southern Cinema"
        "type": "location"
    "messageId": "c68f02e3308248d898dddaf7ab8508fb",
    "timestamp": 1693466775
Example of pushing unknown messages:
	"appId": "appId",
	"channelType": 0,
	"eventType": "up-message-event",
	"from": {
		"name": "sky",
		"phone": "91856321412"
      "type": "unknown"
	"messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
	"businessPhone": "639518159038",
	"timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing unsupported messages:
    "appId": "appId",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "unsupported": {
            "code": "code",
            "details": "details",
            "title": "title",
            "message": "message"
        "type": "unsupported"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing interactive messages:
    "appId": "appId",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "interactive": {
            "action": {
                "button": "Test button",
                "sections": [{
                    "rows": [{
                        "description": "Description",
                        "id": "1000",
                        "title": "First Set"
                    "title": "Group header"
                }, {
                    "rows": [{
                        "description": "Description of rows",
                        "id": "1001",
                        "title": "Title of the row"
                    "title": "Group header 2"
                }, {
                    "rows": [{
                        "description": "Description of rows 2",
                        "id": "1003",
                        "title": "Title of the row 2"
                    "title": "Group header 3"
                }, {
                    "rows": [{
                        "description": "Description of rows 3",
                        "id": "1004",
                        "title": "Title of the row 3"
                    "title": "Group header 4"
            "body": {
                "text": "The content of the main text"
            "footer": {
                "text": "The content of the footer"
            "header": {
                "text": "The content of the header",
                "type": "text"
            "type": "list"
        "type": "interactive"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing contact messages:
    "appId": "appId",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "sky",
        "phone": "91856321412"
    "message": {
        "contacts": [{
            "addresses": [{
                "city": "city name",
                "country": "country name",
                "country_code": "country code",
                "state": "state name",
                "street": "street name",
                "type": "HOME",
                "zip": "4800000"
            }, {
                "city": "city name",
                "country": "country name",
                "country_code": "country code",
                "state": "state name",
                "street": "street name",
                "type": "WORK",
                "zip": "4800000"
            "birthday": "2000-01-01",
            "emails": [{
                "email": "example@gmail.com",
                "type": "WORK"
            }, {
                "email": "example2@gmail.com",
                "type": "HOME"
            }, {
                "email": "example3@gmail.com",
                "type": "HOME"
            "name": {
                "first_name": "Aamnda",
                "formatted_name": "formatted name",
                "last_name": "Yuesa",
                "middle_name": "Ai",
                "prefix": "prefix",
                "suffix": "suffix"
            "org": {
                "company": "CompanyName",
                "department": "DepartmentName",
                "title": "TitleName"
            "phones": [{
                "phone": "91856321412",
                "type": "IPHONE"
            }, {
                "phone": "91856321412",
                "type": "CELL"
            }, {
                "phone": "91856321412",
                "type": "MAIN"
            }, {
                "phone": "91856321412",
                "type": "HOME"
            }, {
                "phone": "91856321412",
                "type": "WORK"
            "urls": [{
                "type": "WORK",
                "url": "https://example.com/5197331628.html"
            }, {
                "type": "HOME",
                "url": "https://www.example.com/"
        "type": "contacts"
    "messageId": "96f207149092495b8d0caaeeb3961266",
    "businessPhone": "639518159038",
    "timestamp": 1690869287
Example of pushing context messages:
    "appId": "W6C50ITl",
    "businessPhone": "639481234567",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "name",
        "phone": "8615503400098"
    "message": {
        "context": {
            "from": "8615503400098",
            "id": "936cfad865474c19a6bdbabef434aat6"
        "text": {
            "body": "Message content"
        "type": "text"
    "messageId": "57b9b152a2cf45c2b386330ec65f1erc",
    "sendNum": 1,
    "timestamp": 1707368748,
    "wsCode": "chendalong"
Example of pushing forwarded messages:
    "appId": "TaPGlXbZ",
    "businessPhone": "6395110022481",
    "channelType": 0,
    "eventType": "up-message-event",
    "from": {
        "name": "Amanda Wan",
        "phone": "8613530411151"
    "message": {
        "text": {
            "body": "prime time"
        "type": "text",
        "context": {
            "forwarded": "true",
            "frequently_forwarded ":"true",
            "from": "WABAID",
            "id": "messege.ID",
            "referred_product": {
                "catalog_id": "CATALOG_ID",
                "product_retailer_id": "PRODUCT_ID"
    "messageId": "f4c567b283bb4c039bc600622864b961",
    "timestamp": 1693396796