Get Call Records Pushed by Platform


user configured HTTP push address

After the AI voice application configures the customer interface status report address. The platform will actively push the call record to the report address.
Push Parameters
Parameters Description Type
callId Call log ID String
appId Application id String
robotCallJobId Task ID Long
dialogFlowId Script ID Long
tenantPhoneNumberId Line ID Long
calledPhoneNumber Customer phone number String
startTime Dial start timestamp (seconds) Long
endTime Call end timestamp (seconds) Long
resultStatus Call results: ANSWERED : answer , NO_ANSWER : no answer , BUSY : busy line , POWER_OFF : shutdown , OUT_OF_SERVICE : shutdown , REFUSED : rejected , VACANT_NUMBER : empty number , CAN_NOT_CONNECT : cannot connect , FROM_PHONE_ERROR : caller arrears , SYSTEM_ERROR : outbound call failed , CALL_LOSS : call loss customer , TRANSFER_ARTIFICIAL : transfer to manual call loss. String
hangupBy Hangup status String
customerConcern Customer concerns Array
analysisBasis Intention analysis basis String
chatDuration Call duration (seconds) Long
billingTime Billing time (seconds) Long
pay Pay amount (USD) String
chatRound Call round Long
attributes User attribute Array
properties Custom variables Map
intentLevelDetailName Intention dial name String
callRecordTagIds Call tag ID Array
callRecordTagNames Call tag name Array
customerTagIds Customer tag ID Array
customerTagNames Customer tag name Array
fullAudioUrl User and AI composite recording String
customerAudioUrl User Recording String
dynamicProperties Dynamic properties during call Map
callDetailList Call Details Array
 callDetailId Call ID Long
 text Specific text of dialogue String
 type Speaker (PERSON, "human"), (ROBOT, "robot") String
 startOffset Start value of single sentence offset (unit: ms, single sentence recording is intercepted in the recording file by offset. AI does not provide offset when speaking) Long
 endOffset End value of single sentence offset Long
callCount Number of calls Long
redialTimes Number of automatic Redials Long
Response Status Code
status Description
0 Success
-1 Authentication error
-3 The customer's balance is insufficient
-4 Timestamp expires
-5 Port program unusual
-6 Restricted IP access
-12 Getting fee faily
-27 Abnormal parameter verification
-28 Automatic mode, the task start time cannot be empty
-29 Replay rule parameters abnormality
-30 Replay abnormal interval parameters
-31 Abnormal replayed on parameters
-32 Outbound task does not exist
-33 Outbound task name already exists
-35 Customer information import failed
-37 Application does not exist
-38 The current task cannot be paused
-39 The current task cannot be started
-41 ID parameter abnormal
-42 The application name already exists
-43 Rates don't exist
-44 Do not delete the current task
-45 Not import customer,Can't start
-46 Network exception or parameter error
-47 Network is busy, please try again later
-48 Create a daily dial-up task between 9:00-20:00
-49 Account not authenticated
-50 Application not quoted
-51 Customer custom property is incomplete
-52 The number of concurrent requests exceeds the upper limit
-53 The customer already exists in this task
-54 The current task status cannot be modified
-55 This type of operation is not allowed in the word unbinding
-56 Exceed import limit, Max. 100 entries
-57 The Sign cannot be empty
-58 The Timestamp cannot be empty
-59 The Api-Key cannot be empty
-60 Intent level tag not found